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TheCodeTherapy - Shader Editor
The WebGL Shader Editor for the browser.
Main Gallery
70 published Shaders
(page 1 of 11)
God Rays
Created by Marco Gomez TheCodeTherapy at Tue, 14 Sep 2021 20:43:19 GMT
This is a Piece inspired by a scene from the movie What Dreams May Come. I'm using an FBM (Fractal Brownian Motion) displacement and noise generated by a static texture with some mouse-position based color shifting.
Fractal Brownian Motion, fbm, hue, shifting, colors, gaussian, grain
Pandora's Fur
Created by Marco Gomez TheCodeTherapy at Wed, 06 Oct 2021 23:29:19 GMT
A Flow Field to plot a colorful Avatar-like furry painting.
fur, hue, flow field
The Matrix (GPU Sound)
Created by Marco Gomez TheCodeTherapy at Mon, 11 Oct 2021 23:59:01 GMT
A Tribute to The Matrix, created to demonstrate my first tests with GPU synthesized sound.
the matrix, resurrections, effect, gpu sound, synthesizer, blue pill, red pill
My 90s Room ( LightRays )
Created by Marco Gomez TheCodeTherapy at Fri, 11 Jun 2021 01:04:09 GMT
Another tribute to those that inspired me to explore my love for visual experiences since my childhood to these days.
amiga, retro, cube, twist, crt, star field, plasma
Hexagonal Vaporwave Elevator
Created by Marco Gomez TheCodeTherapy at Thu, 27 May 2021 23:02:52 GMT
The hexagonal tiling piece to look at while you listen to Kalax playing Neon Blood, with the usual lovely bad-VHS aesthetics that makes me feel good.
hexagon, hexagonal, tiling, VHS, neon, retro, post-processing
Blue Marble
Created by Marco Gomez TheCodeTherapy at Fri, 22 Oct 2021 21:31:38 GMT
A rudimentary ray marcher rendering a Sphere SDF with a naive offset sampling accumulation anti-aliasing pass to create a marble with a living pattern disturbed by Perlin noise
raymarcher, raymarching, ray march, marble, perlin, anti-aliasing, anti aliasing
WebGL 2.0
God Rays
WebGL 1.0
Pandora's Fur
WebGL 2.0
The Matrix (GPU Sound)
WebGL 1.0
My 90s Room ( LightRays )
WebGL 1.0
Hexagonal Vaporwave Elevator
WebGL 1.0
Blue Marble