The Code Therapy

TheCodeTherapy - Shader Editor

The WebGL Shader Editor for the browser.

Main Gallery

69 published Shaders

(page 4 of 11)

The Smooth Cubic Thingie

The Smooth Cubic Thingie

Created by Marco Gomez TheCodeTherapy at Mon, 22 Nov 2021 07:45:03 GMT

One more SDF ray marching piece to explore different lighting techniques and soft shadows.

raymarcher, raymarching, ray march, sdf, anti aliasing, anti-aliasing, ssaa, smooth, shadow

Texture Dithering

Texture Dithering

Created by Marco Gomez TheCodeTherapy at Tue, 28 Sep 2021 15:07:05 GMT

Just a sample to demonstrate texture-based grayscale dithering over some FBM clouds

dither, dithering, grayscale, fbm, fractal brownian motion, clouds

VoroDistance to the Horizon

VoroDistance to the Horizon

Created by Marco Gomez TheCodeTherapy at Tue, 08 Jun 2021 19:28:09 GMT

A sky-like sci-fi piece that ended up reminding me of Tron.

voronoi, manhattan, chebyshev, distance, intersect, sky



Created by Marco Gomez TheCodeTherapy at Fri, 29 Oct 2021 20:48:54 GMT

A tribute to the history of video games and to the pioneer giants whose shoulders we stand on.

atari, arcade, pong, game, crt, retro, scroll text

Fuzzy Disco Thingie

Fuzzy Disco Thingie

Created by Marco Gomez TheCodeTherapy at Thu, 29 Oct 2020 23:59:35 GMT

A doodle based on the pseudo-randomness of displaced FBM patterns and a really dirty mess with the colors that ended up looking like a weird fuzzy disco thingie.

colors, pattern, fbm, hash noise, fft, lights

New Retro Lines

New Retro Lines

Created by Marco Gomez TheCodeTherapy at Sun, 03 Apr 2022 12:39:16 GMT

A tribute to one of the first programs I've ever wrote in BASIC using the graphical mode of my AppleIIe, back in the early 90s, but with more resolution, colors, and speed though.

appleii, basic, lines, commodore, commodore 64, old school, retro, colors