The Code Therapy

TheCodeTherapy | marcogomez's Shaders Gallery

The WebGL Shader Editor for the browser.

marcogomez's Gallery

69 published Shaders

(page 3 of 8)

Floating Point Precision Test

Floating Point Precision Test

Created by Marco Gomez TheCodeTherapy at Thu, 04 Nov 2021 21:03:31 GMT

Floating Point Precision Test for mobile GPUs

floating, point, floating point, precision, mobile, mali, adreno

A Tribute to Phenomena +Bloom

A Tribute to Phenomena +Bloom

Created by Marco Gomez TheCodeTherapy at Wed, 03 Nov 2021 02:32:48 GMT

A tribute to the unforgettable 90s aesthetics and to the pioneer giants whose shoulders we stand on, this time with some bloom post-processing.

amiga, retro, cube, demoscene, tribute, star field, bloom, post-processing, post processing

Happy Halloween (2021)

Happy Halloween (2021)

Created by Marco Gomez TheCodeTherapy at Sun, 31 Oct 2021 20:16:38 GMT

This is a tiny (but not so much anymore) ray marcher that I wrote to celebrate Halloween in 2021! Happy Halloween!

raymarcher, raymarching, ray march, sdf, soft, shadow, soft shadows, halloween

A (less) Tiny Raymarcher

A (less) Tiny Raymarcher

Created by Marco Gomez TheCodeTherapy at Sun, 31 Oct 2021 01:24:09 GMT

This is a tiny (but not so much anymore) ray marcher that I wrote to continue my studies on ray marching, this time exploring soft shadows and supersampling anti-aliasing.

raymarcher, raymarching, ray march, sdf, anti aliasing, anti-aliasing, ssaa, soft, shadow



Created by Marco Gomez TheCodeTherapy at Fri, 29 Oct 2021 20:48:54 GMT

A tribute to the history of video games and to the pioneer giants whose shoulders we stand on.

atari, arcade, pong, game, crt, retro, scroll text



Created by Marco Gomez TheCodeTherapy at Thu, 28 Oct 2021 00:13:01 GMT

A piece made to obtain horizontal lightning bolts through some simple vertical offset iterations disturbed by noise, with simplex-noise clouds as background and some light shafts (God rays) post-processing effects.

lightning, bolt, electricity, fog, clouds, fbm, God rays

Dithered Observations

Dithered Observations

Created by Marco Gomez TheCodeTherapy at Wed, 27 Oct 2021 10:23:54 GMT

This is a simple plasma retro piece created to study and observe color quantization, resolution constraining, and different types of dithering.

dither, dithering, dithered, plasma, noise, blue noise, quantization

Integer Hash Test

Integer Hash Test

Created by Marco Gomez TheCodeTherapy at Mon, 25 Oct 2021 18:31:26 GMT

Just a small reference to test integer hash functions on different devices

integer, hash, random, noise